Friday, January 19, 2007

Not very interesting...

Groucho Marx once said "Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough."

Well, today is the day, I’m officially 30. So far it’s not that bad really. Except that several of my coworkers decided that dressing in all black to mourn my 20’s would be funny.

But thinking back was there really much about my 20’s worth mourning? Sure, college was fun, (what I actually remember of it) but I was constantly strapped for cash. Then there were the dead end jobs I had before joining Partners, which left me constantly strapped for cash. (Hmmm... sensing a theme here...) Sure, I made some great friends and had some fun... but all in all, I think most of my 20's pretty much sucked.

I think my 30’s will be much better!

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