Thursday, January 18, 2007

Do you know where your resume was last night?

Reaction time is a crucial part of the recruiter’s game. Currently, we are seeing a shortage of great candidates, and the competition among headhunters is growing. If your resume is online on Monster, Careerbuilder or a similar site, I’ll bet a recruiter has called you.

As a candidate, you need to be in control of your Job Search. It is vitally important that you, the job seeker, control where your resume is sent and by whom.

A GOOD RECRUITER will never present your information to a client company without first informing you fully about the potential opportunity and deciding with you if it is a career move you would like to pursue.

A BAD RECRUITER may pull your resume from Monster and send it off to without ever speaking to you about the opportunity. Suddenly you’ll get a call that consists of a “hard sell” on the job, and an attempt to set up an interview with the employing company. This recruiter may also promise to “send your information to as many jobs as I can."

Even if you are an active job seeker, think of all the jobs you see that don't interest you! If your job search isn't that active, imagine what happens when a recruiter starts sending your resume all over creation?

This is not representing your best interests! This is throwing you against the wall to see if you stick! People should not be treated like half-boiled spaghetti!

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