Friday, January 26, 2007

Job Requirements

I’m always slightly annoyed by candidates that reply to our job postings even though they are not even remotely qualified.

Even if my job posting explicitly states the position requires a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) and experience designing manufacturing process equipment for the automotive industry.

I will invariably receive responses from candidates that did not complete high school, whose most recent experience was picking blueberries. I’m sorry. I’m not going to call you. Yes, I’m realize that your blueberry picking skills may be unmatched and that you also have a valid hi-lo license, but you are not what I am looking for. Why are you wasting my time?!?!

Why do people like this waste our time? Can’t they read the requirements? Yes, of course, they can read the requirements, but they often just ignore them. After all, requirements are really more like guidelines most of the time, and sometimes downright silly. Consider the following:

Regular Attendance at Work (No, really?)
Regular contact with children (Fine, except this was on a daycare provider posting!)
Good English Language Skills (Just good though, we don’t want to set the bar too high.)

Check out this article about more Outrageous Job Requirements.

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