Friday, May 11, 2007

I'm baaccck!

Wow, I've certainly been away for a while! I have no good reason for this, although I did take a few days vacation. The significant other and I visited Las Vegas, NV and the Grand Canyon some of his family visiting from the UK.

It was great trip. However, upon returning to work, I have been absolutely swamped and blogging has been pushed off the planner every day until now!

Having finally caught up, I did a little searching around my favorite haunts to see what I'd missed:

Great Quitters Never Win (A phrase I often envoke to justify my continued bad habits, but with a much more interesting subject matter.) And a link to what will probably become newest daily haunt Jessica Hagy’s Indexed Blog. Indexed is a great collection of commentary on careers (and life in general) all organized on 3x5 cards.

Here's one of my favorites:

Overall I’m glad to be back. I hope to be back to my pseudo-regular blogging schedule in the next week.

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