Tuesday, May 15, 2007

BEST Interview Questions??

And just when I’d promised myself I was done discussing “Odd Interview Questions” this article from Ronald Katz on ERE. “Results-Focused Interviews: Are these interview questions the best you've got?”

The purpose of Ron’s article is to illustrate how inane questions like “What would your best friend say about you? Your worst enemy?" have no bearing on whether the candidate can do the job and to provide his readers with an understanding of what is critical to understand about a potential employees: “What were the results?”.

The article was inspired, by Ron's finding a discussion forum that asked interviewers to submit the "Best questions they use in interviews"... let me say that again "Best Questions"...

“Is honesty always the best policy” – That depends on your definition of the word ‘is”

"If a spaceship were to land outside this office and you were asked to get in, would you? Why?" –Yes, because then this interview would be over.

“Am I a good interviewer? Why or why not?" - Let me guess, this goes back to that “Is honesty always the best policy?” question?

"If you were a part of a car, which part would you be and why?" – If I say the accelerator, will this be over more quickly?

"If you had the opportunity to participate in a circus performance, which role would be yours?" - Anyone but the clowns, no clowns, never clowns, clowns are bad. BAD CLOWNS!

"What are ur strengths and weeknesses?" - Wait, Wait can I guess yours instead?

"If u had ur life to live over again…what would u do differently?" - Not be here right now.

Okay, I know someone is going to try to illustrate the value of questions like these. I want to see their problem solving skills, their ability to the think on their feet, etc.

My response to that is: Doesn't understanding the results of their previous work illustrate their problem solving skills and ability to think on their feet in a more relevant (and wholly less silly) way?

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