Thursday, October 25, 2007


So one of my coworkers asked if I wrote this post on

I am much smarter than my co-workers. When one of them asks a dumb question (i.e., "What's so bad about Fox News?"), I try to be sensitive and explain without making them feel stupid. Sometimes, though, I get very frustrated, and it's difficult to hold my tongue... How does one handle working with people like this? I could keep my mouth shut and go with the flow, but it makes me feel dumb when I don't speak up—I feel that if I don't acknowledge their stupidity, then I'm not doing my duty as an informed young woman.
I think she was kidding - at least I hope she was. Maybe I need to bring the intellectual snobbery down a notch or two???


Friday, October 19, 2007

It's a jungle out there!

I really love the ad campaign that Career Builder is running these days - beginning with the "Promotion Pit" ad during the superbowl.

It appears that the good folks at CareerBuilder have now teamed up with the coporate side of the Second City comedy team to produce:

"Cube Monkeys: A Handbook for Surviving the Office Jungle" (available on Amazon) which features top 10 lists, games and hilarious advice.

You can find an excerpt on MSN Careers (powered by CareerBuilder)

But here are my favorites from the: The Boss-to-English Translator

"Great job on the report!"
Translation: "I'm taking credit for your work."

"Let me give you some broadstroke ideas and you can fill in the rest."
Translation: "I still haven't learned how to create an Excel document."

"This office is a family and my door is always open if you ever need to powwow with Papa Bear."
Translation: "I am a tool."

"I'll be out of the office for a couple hours with senior management, but you can reach me on my mobile."
Translation: "I'm playing golf."

"I'll be off-site and unreachable for the rest of the afternoon."
Translation: "I'm playing golf and I expect to be very, very drunk."

"I think we should order in some lunch for the team."
Translation: "None of you are getting a raise. Enjoy your pizza."

"It's good to see you take such bold initiative!"
Translation: "You are a threat to me. You will be fired the next time we so much as run out of coffee."

"Did you finish those projections I asked you about on Friday?"
Translation: "I completely forgot to ask you about the projections on Friday, and I'm hoping your memory is even worse than mine."

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news."
Translation: "Disappointing you is the only pleasure I have left in my dead-end, crappy job."